Sunday, October 27, 2019

Last week of October

Can you believe that Friday will be November 1st?!

   Students will be creating a prepositional phrase poem. I have decided not to count last Thursday's quiz. There are a handful of students that I will use the quiz as a re-teaching lesson. They will be given a multiple choice end of the unit test Tuesday and completed by Wednesday. Please log into ParentVue to see your child's progress.
   I hope to begin sentence structure development of complex and compound sentences. Complex sentences include a subordinating conjunction. If you wish to get ahead with your child, you can Google search.
  Social studies of the American Revolution will be integrated in reading. There will be in-class grades taken for students' comprehension of fourth grade on-level text.
   Students need to study social studies vocabulary this week. These were given to them on Friday to allow them to finish definitions over the weekend. The test is planned for Friday.

 ** Request- Please initial agenda nightly. Grandparents,  aunts & uncles , or care giver are welcome to do this. Thank you!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Prepositional Phrases & Text Structure

     It was fabulous to meet with you this past week! Thank you for making time to discuss your child's progress thus far in fourth grade.

    We will continue to identify prepositions and the object of the preposition. Students will also develop sentences to include prepositional phrases in writing. There will be a quiz on Thursday.

    The students have begun a project that's focused on text structure. They have a rubric to guide them on what will be assessed. This will be a secondary reading grade and a craft writing grade.
We have had a few lessons in the Learning Commons to support our learning of this standard.

     There will be an author's visit this coming Thursday. If you wish to place an order, it must be sent in by Thursday.

     I will be back on Wednesday. Please be patient if you are waiting for an email response. Thank you.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Conference Week

   I'm looking forward to meeting with to discuss your child's progress. The students are to be present at the conference as he/she will be leading our discussion.

   This week we will be learning about prepositional phrases. They will understand a preposition and object of the preposition. This will then lead into developing sentences that are compound and complex. These standards will be applied over the next 3-4 weeks. I will be taking in-class grades.

   In reading, determining text structure continues. There are 5 structures we are focusing on. Please look over your child's mini-book if you have not yet seen it. There will be a mini project this week. Students will read 3 small example passages, determine the structure, create the correct organizer, and record the evidence that supports it.

   Students will have nightly spelling tasks and should continue to study the vocabulary definitions. The assessment will be on Friday.

** Bus Driver appreciation- Please ask your child to make a card for their driver and hand deliver it.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Character Traits Test

    Our character traits test will be Monday! The test will consist of matching and multiple choice.
There will be statements and the students will need to match them to : thoughts; words;feelings;choices;or actions. The "key" clue is the given verb.
Example- Did the character "say" something? words
                 Did the character "do" something? actions
                Did the character "feel" something? feelings
The multiple choice section will have statements and the students must infer the character trait.
Students should review the "Feelings VS. Traits" anchor chart and  "Character Traits Synonyms" anchor chart.

     On Tuesday, we will begin our unit on text structure. This will include : sequencing; compare & contrast; description;cause & effect; and problem & solution.

    Vocabulary Unit 3 will begin on Monday. Students will bring home their 4 flashcards to study nightly. On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on the meaning of the words.

     We are continuing to work on punctuating dialogue and re-test on Thursday. Last week's punctuation test will come home Monday. Please review your child's test to see what they are not punctuating correctly. Example- Are they forgetting the comma? Do they know that the punctuation goes "inside the quotation marks? Are they identifying the "tag" correctly? These are the rules that we have been identifying daily.

         Have a wonderful weekend! I look forward to meeting with you during conference week.