Morning Work – Vocabulary Workbook Unit 7 pages 68-72: Read the passage on page 68-69. Number your paper 1-12 and write the vocabulary words in order as they appear in the passage. Identify the part of speech for how the vocabulary word is used in the sentence. Take a photo and add it to your Dojo portfolio.
· Math – Print and complete “Sum Fraction Fun” worksheet. If you don’t have a printer available, write you answers on notebook paper and send a picture of your work
through Dojo. Complete half of the problems on the Monster coloring sheet and begin coloring the picture. Work in Dreambox or First in Math for 15 minutes.
· Social Studies – Many people did not complete some of the activities in the Nearpod yesterday. If you did not answer the open-ended question or do the Matching Pairs activity, you need to go back and complete those tasks. Be sure to click SUBMIT when you are finished for the day. Continue with Part 2 of the Nearpod on Industrialization and Inventions. The links are below. It is very important that you use the SAME login name as Monday and Tuesday. ·
· Gerber and Tansill links:
If needed, the class code is: LKVIF