Tuesday, January 22, 2019


We are ready to begin fractions. This will take us through  the rest of the 9 weeks!! It will be divided into specific standards. Wednesday , vocabulary anchor charts will be in your student's journal. We will draw and label fractions as circles,squares, and sets. Students will use tape diagrams to model and write fractions.By the end of next week, students will be understanding equivalent fractions.

Opinion writing development continues. Students have collaborated and provided feedback an tasks for opinion statements and conclusions. This is a great way to learn from their peers. The class will continue to read and identify opinion elements in passages. Next Monday, students will choose their essay topic from a list provided. We will continue to develop a five paragraph essay by building on what has been previously taught and adding opinion genre specific vocabulary.

In ELA, we are reviewing verb tenses, prepositional phrases, sentence structure, and punctuation.
Our reading will focus on figurative language, such as idioms and cliches. Reteaching, similes and metaphors.

Father Daughter Dance is Friday!!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Long Division

Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend :)

In math, we will continue area model and partial quotients. There will be an assessment on Wednesday. Your child should know their multiplication facts with fluency.

In reading, the class continues to use context clues and their background knowledge to infer the text. There will be a quiz on Tuesday. The summative test will date depends on the quiz grades.

There will be spelling homework this week!

Students are developing an opinion paragraph based on an animal feature. They read a book in small groups and chose which they wished to write about. They were able to research more on the computer if needed. We are currently halfway done with the organizer.

Please remember to send your child to school dressed accordingly for recess as the temperature changes. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Welcome 2019 !

            I hope everyone had a fabulous break :)
Here are this week's tentative plans-
    In math, we will continue with long division. Towards the end of the week, students will learn to interpret remainders.Please have your child learn multiplication facts with fluency!
    In reading, we will be focused on inference. Close reading for context clues will be applied.
    In writing, we will be focused on opinion. Students will learn to develop a clear opinion statement and support this with reasons and examples. New anchor charts will be in their writing journals. We will complete a practice paragraph for a craft grade and individual goals for their upcoming essay.

Dates to remember:

   Reading Challenge due Weds., Jan. 9th
   Spelling Bee Friday, Jan. 11th @ 8:45
   Science Fair Projects due Friday, Jan. 11th
   January 17th- STEM night- 6:00-7:30
   January 21st- No School- MLK Holiday
   January 24th and 25th- Talent Show tryouts after school.