Sunday, December 15, 2019

Last week of 2019!

 Can you believe that we are half way through the school year?!

   Our class average for comprehending similes and metaphors in context  was OUTSTANDING!
Many students still struggle with identifying if a fragment is missing the subject(noun) or predicate (verb). On last week's quiz , I accepted if they choose incomplete sentence as an answer. So we will continue working on this standard into the new year.

   Students have begun to finalize their opinion essay. A handful of students are behind on completing their revisions. Please remind your child that they are due by Wednesday or they will have to be completed during our holiday STEM activity.

  Thank you to those who have sent in our party supplies. I believe they were asked to be sent by tomorrow, Monday. Our room moms are working very diligently on organizing this!

  I will be out on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow I shall explain the reason to the students. Thank you for your understanding.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Last Full Week of 2019

 This is our last full week! Early release days are Thursday, Dec. 19th and Friday, Dec.20th.
Our class holiday party will be on that Thursday. Only parent volunteers are to attend. The celebration is for our students only, no siblings. This is school policy.

  This week is custodian appreciation week. It would be wonderful if your child could create a card to say thank you for all that the do to keep our school beautiful.

  Grade level information will be added once completed by team.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

December is Here

    I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving break! We have 3 weeks before another one is upon us.
    There will not be any tests in my ELA or Reading block this coming week. I  MAY take an in class grade on Friday  covering similes and metaphors. 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

First and Secondhand Accounts

   Students are comparing first/primary and second/secondary accounts on the same topic. They are supporting their reasoning by writing similarities , differences, focus,details, feelings, and point of view. This is done on a graphic organizer. They have been told to study the lists of text examples in their journals to prepare for the test this coming Friday. We refer to them during daily activities.

    We continue to work on developing an opinion essay. This is different from a narrative ,
 persuasive , and informational essay. Specific vocabulary focused on feelings and thoughts are included. They may write about something they enjoy or despise! Students should be reviewing this vocabulary and sentence starters in their journals.

Please join us Wednesday for an amazing Thanksgiving lunch!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Opinion Writing

  We are review the expectations of opinion writing. Students will practice this week with developing a strong paragraph. As they learn to include statements, reasons, facts & examples, and a conclusion, I will be providing guidance. Students will have anchor charts, examples, checklists as resources.

   Students will continue to read 2 passages on the same topic and determine which is firsthand and secondhand accounts. This includes primary and secondary sources. There will be a quiz on Thursday.

   On Friday, they will be given an assessment on vocabulary unit 4. They will have nightly tasks for spelling but also need to study the definitions.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Vocabulary Unit 4 spelling and definitions will be for nightly homework. 
There will not be any formal tests this week. A handful of students are still completing last week's assessments. 
Please remember to initial your child's agenda nightly.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Last week of October

Can you believe that Friday will be November 1st?!

   Students will be creating a prepositional phrase poem. I have decided not to count last Thursday's quiz. There are a handful of students that I will use the quiz as a re-teaching lesson. They will be given a multiple choice end of the unit test Tuesday and completed by Wednesday. Please log into ParentVue to see your child's progress.
   I hope to begin sentence structure development of complex and compound sentences. Complex sentences include a subordinating conjunction. If you wish to get ahead with your child, you can Google search.
  Social studies of the American Revolution will be integrated in reading. There will be in-class grades taken for students' comprehension of fourth grade on-level text.
   Students need to study social studies vocabulary this week. These were given to them on Friday to allow them to finish definitions over the weekend. The test is planned for Friday.

 ** Request- Please initial agenda nightly. Grandparents,  aunts & uncles , or care giver are welcome to do this. Thank you!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Prepositional Phrases & Text Structure

     It was fabulous to meet with you this past week! Thank you for making time to discuss your child's progress thus far in fourth grade.

    We will continue to identify prepositions and the object of the preposition. Students will also develop sentences to include prepositional phrases in writing. There will be a quiz on Thursday.

    The students have begun a project that's focused on text structure. They have a rubric to guide them on what will be assessed. This will be a secondary reading grade and a craft writing grade.
We have had a few lessons in the Learning Commons to support our learning of this standard.

     There will be an author's visit this coming Thursday. If you wish to place an order, it must be sent in by Thursday.

     I will be back on Wednesday. Please be patient if you are waiting for an email response. Thank you.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Conference Week

   I'm looking forward to meeting with to discuss your child's progress. The students are to be present at the conference as he/she will be leading our discussion.

   This week we will be learning about prepositional phrases. They will understand a preposition and object of the preposition. This will then lead into developing sentences that are compound and complex. These standards will be applied over the next 3-4 weeks. I will be taking in-class grades.

   In reading, determining text structure continues. There are 5 structures we are focusing on. Please look over your child's mini-book if you have not yet seen it. There will be a mini project this week. Students will read 3 small example passages, determine the structure, create the correct organizer, and record the evidence that supports it.

   Students will have nightly spelling tasks and should continue to study the vocabulary definitions. The assessment will be on Friday.

** Bus Driver appreciation- Please ask your child to make a card for their driver and hand deliver it.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Character Traits Test

    Our character traits test will be Monday! The test will consist of matching and multiple choice.
There will be statements and the students will need to match them to : thoughts; words;feelings;choices;or actions. The "key" clue is the given verb.
Example- Did the character "say" something? words
                 Did the character "do" something? actions
                Did the character "feel" something? feelings
The multiple choice section will have statements and the students must infer the character trait.
Students should review the "Feelings VS. Traits" anchor chart and  "Character Traits Synonyms" anchor chart.

     On Tuesday, we will begin our unit on text structure. This will include : sequencing; compare & contrast; description;cause & effect; and problem & solution.

    Vocabulary Unit 3 will begin on Monday. Students will bring home their 4 flashcards to study nightly. On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on the meaning of the words.

     We are continuing to work on punctuating dialogue and re-test on Thursday. Last week's punctuation test will come home Monday. Please review your child's test to see what they are not punctuating correctly. Example- Are they forgetting the comma? Do they know that the punctuation goes "inside the quotation marks? Are they identifying the "tag" correctly? These are the rules that we have been identifying daily.

         Have a wonderful weekend! I look forward to meeting with you during conference week.

Monday, September 30, 2019

October is here!

Welcome back from fall break. I hope that everyone was able to relax & have some fun!

Our SLT representative is Azzariah, congrats! The alternate is Sarah! We had to re-vote because there was a 3 way tie .

There will be a dialogue test on Thursday. Remind your child to bring home their journal if they're struggling. It's not mandatory for all students to take home their journals on a daily bases.

We continue to read and identify character traits. The list of synonyms in the journal are not the only vocabulary that we are discussing in-class. Be sure that when there is NO reading homework assigned, your child can always reread the day's activity.

Please return the conference sheet by Thursday. All sibling conferences have been arranged with the other grade level teachers.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

STEM supplies

We have our next STEM day on Friday ,Oct. 4th. Please sign up to send in supplies. 

Thank you!!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Character Traits

   The new reading standard is identifying traits of characters.We will continue to identify text evidence as a strategy to support answers when reading. Some of  the character trait vocabulary will include- stubborn, disrespectful, generous, serious, shy, apologetic, and selfish. You could have conversations about these words with your child to support their learning.

    As we wrap up our narrative essay, we will also practice punctuating dialogue correctly. Noticing the changes if the tag is at the beginning or end of what's being spoken. "Said " is dead. When reading with your child, discuss words that can substitute said- shouted, whispered, mumbled, yelled, hollered, and responded. We are focusing on building vocabulary in their writing to increase development and creativity.

    Please check your child's Gator notebook on Monday for the nightly vocabulary homework. They will use their flashcards as a resource. The orange vocabulary books are to stay at school for daily tasks or your child will not be prepared for the day.

   I am offering extra credit points for the theme test to help improve students' grades. From Tuesday-Thursday students may answer theme task cards during Daily 5. They will earn a point for every correct answer! I will add this to their test grade.You may encourage your child to complete this as it is NOT mandatory.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Theme Quiz

    I'm very proud of the students' progress on identifying key evidence!! Now we need to have them make the connection of evidence with the theme vocabulary. I have gone over the quiz and answers. I gave the students the opportunity to ask questions to further explain the theme. We have discussed that the text may use synonyms or antonyms of character traits to teach the theme.
    Tonight's task is for your child to go over their quiz with you and share what they have learned. Please initial the quiz and send it back to school Thursday. I will return it to review again for homework.
     Friday's test will include the following theme words-honesty,cooperation,compassion,loyalty,friendship,and acceptance. The students will need to support their answer with 2 details from the text. They will be expected to write complete sentences and rephrase in their own words.
    How can they prepare? Have your child write 2 synonyms or 2 antonyms of character traits for these themes listed for the test.

Thank you for your support!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ending Theme Unit

The reading comprehension test grades have been posted. Here's what I have done. Usually these tests are counted as a primary grade (60% weight), however I have taken into consideration that this is their first exposure to fourth grade testing. I have therefor counted it as a secondary grade (40% weight). Students are adjusting to identifying key words in questions which is extremely important to understanding what is being asked to answer. Please check your child's agenda as I have stapled tests to be signed that were not passing grades or low grades. I have made small notes on the tests.

Monday there will be a theme quiz. The quiz will consist of short passages and a theme vocabulary word bank. Only one answer is accepted so the students must read carefully and pay attention to the details to identify the correct theme. Please remind your child to identify key details as they read.
We will continue practicing through out the week and take the final assessment on Friday. To help them prepare, students should have their journals to be reviewing theme vocabulary and reviewing previous reading passages.

Change in plans! We are going to have vocabulary for the next two weeks. After looking at the calendar, we have decided this inorder to get the unit covered before the September break. Can't believe it's almost here!  Each day, Monday -Wednesday, the students will make 4 flashcards in class. They will bring these home to study. I also give them the opportunity to practice with a partner after morning work and during Daily 5. They quiz each other on spelling, definition, and synonyms & antonyms. This unit also includes application of context clues and character traits.

Writing is beginning to pick up. Students have completed their planning sheets and have begun expanding their ideas into paragraphs. As they do so, I have revisited hooks and transition words that are applicable to narrative writing. I also provide feedback on how they are developing and what may need improvement.
Here's a suggestion to help your child develop creativity in their ideas. Start creating a story (verbally) with them. You begin it one night for about 10 minutes. The next night, have them add on to the story. The following night is your turn again and so on. Have it be about an alien, monster, princess, knight, or something of this sort. This will give you the opportunity to interact with your child, give them guidance, and get a picture of their development. Have fun with this and don't make it seem like work for them 😃.

Our room moms, Mrs. Zoladz and Mrs. Duke , request that you sign up for PTA if you haven't yet done so. We're missing about 13 parents. On Monday, they will be sending home some information so please look for it in your child's Gator notebook.

                             Hope to see you at the Fall Carnival!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Reading Comprehension test

  I would like to provide some feedback on yesterday's test. Mrs. Tansill's and Mrs. Stewart's students who did not finish the test during the reading block were given the opportunity to come during lunch OR recess to try and complete it. Even with this extended time, a handful are still not finished. They will have the opportunity this morning after morning work to do so.

   Mrs. Gerber's homeroom students had a shortened recess to try to finish. Some students are still working on completing it and have the same opportunity this morning to work on it.

   Some sections I am allowing students to revisit. I have identified key words in the directions that were not paid attention to. Students have been taught the strategy of boxing or highlighting key words in passages and questions to help focus on what is being taught or asked. This will be reinforced all year to improve true comprehension, not word call.

**Please make a plan with your child. When they have incomplete work, will they come in early (7:15 Addison's doors open), work during lunch, or part of recess?

**Theme quiz is moved to Monday!! I wish to go over the reading comprehension test on Friday and have a mini-lesson on theme. I will need to finish grading the tests on Thursday as students are just completing them today.

     Please email me if you have further questions 🙋

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Guided Reading

STEM day was a hit! Three of four of the transport constructions were successful. As soon as I can, I will get the pictures from the Ipad to my computer. You may remember me mentioning at Open House that I'm a little tech challenged,lol.

Students have a practice comprehension test to review with you. I walked the class thru how to read the questions for understanding and how to go back to the text to identify the evidence for their answers. We box,highlight,or underline important clue words. Also numbering in the text the corresponding numbers of the questions.These are the strategies they should always apply when reading. They will have a test on Tuesday with the same format. There is nothing to study, this is comprehension.

Whole group instruction continues to be teaching theme. We will read a few fables and short texts. There will most likely be a quiz on Friday.
I will begin guided reading groups based on student assessments and in-class observations. One focus will be on identifying the main idea. These students will learn vocabulary and developing clear and specific answers to comprehension questions for supporting the main idea of a text.They will recognize and identify details from the text.
The other small group will read literary text .They will identify details and character analysis. The groups are based more on students' individual needs.

We are a tad behind in writing. Some students have chosen a "theme" to be the focus for their narrative writing. They will move onto completing their organizer. Others need to get started. During this block, I am meeting in small groups to work on developing detailed sentence structure. I have been modeling "show" don't just "tell". Example: I was mad. vs I slammed the door and yelled into my pillow. The class is learning how to describe actions so the reader can make a picture in their mind.

There is NO vocabulary workbook for the next 2 weeks. We are rotating with math standards.

                  Have a wonderful Labor Day!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

New Unit-Theme

In reading, we have finished the unit on plot. I'm still grading tests and will decide if a bonus needs to be given based upon the class average.
We will be reading texts to learn about theme. The students will have an anchor chart as a resource. As we have been reading, students are learning how to "think mark". This is identifying clue words and phrases that support their answers. Evidence for characters actions, words,thoughts, and lessons learned will be focused on. I model this with every activity. Your child should have these notes on their papers. if you are not seeing these strategies on their work, please remind them to be active participants.
In writing, we are working on developing a narrative. I will be working with small groups based on the pre-assessment. Some will work on creating more developed sentence structure . Others will strengthen their paragraphs. All students are learning to add more details to "show" feelings, thoughts, and actions.

There will be a vocabulary test on Friday. Students should be studying the definitions and parts of speech. Nightly homework will be given this week.

Wednesday is early release. Addison will have its first STEM day!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Welcome 2019 -20

     Welcome to fourth grade! It's been a blast getting to know the students. Thank you for attending our Open House and I hope that it was informative.
       The students have been learning the elements of plot in a text. We have spent the last week labeling "Think Marking" on the 2nd read of the text. We are learning to read for true comprehension of a text and the author's purpose. The students are looking for changes in a character from the beginning of a story to the end resolution. Yes, there can be more than one answer. The students must explain their reasoning by referring to the text evidence.
       The plot test is planned for Thursday but may be moved to Friday if needed. Please focus on the in-class work and homework assignments this week. The test will be the same format!

       We have just begun writing. There was a need to go back to writing a paragraph. Many still struggled with developing an introduction topic sentence. They will learn to write creative introductions by describing not stating. Another area we need to work on is varying our sentence starters. This will all come together as we progress.

       Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Now until Milestone

2 weeks until we begin Milestone testing!

We have begun practicing questions and understanding how to take the test online. This is the link if you wish to preview :

In math we have started the unit on geometry. The students will need to understand the vocabulary,
identify models, draw models, measure angles, and find the missing angle.

Reading and comprehending allusions in Greek mythology will be taught between practicing for Milestone.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Special School Activities

The book fair will be open late on Thursday, 5:30!
It will be closing at 12 pm on Friday.

AESF is hosting a kick-a-thon to raise money for the Science Lab and for new technology throughout the school.
Your child will attempt to kick 10 soccer goals during specials that day, but must be registered and have pledges to participate. Don't let your child miss out. $1 a kick goes a long way if everyone participates! I'd love my class to have 100% participation, so please register your child  at

Spring Break is the week of April 1st. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Current Happenings

    In math, we will continue more practice on adding and subtracting mixed number with regrouping. There will be a quiz on Tuesday. On Friday, I will be introducing multiplying fractions.

   We are getting prepared for the Milestone. In writing, we will read examples of narrative endings. Students will practice developing a new type of ending for a text that has been shared during instructional lessons. They will also complete a task of changing the point of view of a text. This will take place over the next 2 weeks. These will just be a conclusion or introduction paragraph. In summation, the students will write a narrative essay applying all the standards that have been taught. This will be presented almost as the Milestone but they will have 2 writing blocks to complete the essay independently.

  Students will be taking a reading comprehension quiz on their novel study. Those reading Bridge to Terabithia will cover chapters 5-8. The Mouse and the Motorcycle readers will cover chapters 5-7. Those who were behind in reading were to read over the weekend.

   Remember: Wednesday is Early Release
                       Thursday is our STEM Day

   Please reinforce with your child the importance of completing homework independently to model what they truly independently understand.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Welcome Back

I hope that you have gotten some rest and enjoyed the winter break!

    This week I will be meeting in small group for novel studies. Based on reading levels and in-class performance , students are reading Bridge to Terebithia and The Mouse and the Motorcycle. Some students were given the books before break and assigned the first two chapters. There will be activities that the students will complete and graded on. This will be over the next few weeks.
     Our main reading will be the elements of poetry,prose,and drama. The students are familiar with these types of texts but may not know exact element differences.Please remind them to study the anchor charts nightly. The first quiz will be a cut & paste for all 3 types. I plan to give this quiz on Friday, but it will most likely happen on the following Monday if students need another day of in-class practice.

    We will begin converting improper fractions and adding/subtracting fractions. There will be a test on Wednesday covering what's been taught this quarter: modeling,equivalent,number lines, comparing, and ordering fractions. 

     ELA spiral review continues. This week's focus will be progress verb tense and modal auxiliary verbs. Most students are modeling understanding but some reteaching will benefit all students.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Winter Break is Around the Corner

Time sure is flying!Third quarter progress reports will be coming home on Thursday.

      In math, students will continue to use benchmarks to compare 2 to 3 fractions. As for now, students should understand fractions presented as figures, sets, and standard written form. By the end of the week, students will learn how to find the lowest common denominator (LCD). Please have your child continue to learn their multiplication facts.

      The class continues to develop their opinion essays. Every step has been chunked, meaning each day there was a particular focus. On Monday ,there will be a revising lesson in Office 365 and students will revise just vocabulary. Tuesday the focus will be revising sentence starters and opinion phrases. The deadline for finalization is Thursday.
      Also in ELA, we will spend this week on spiral review. Using the correct progressive verb tense and identifying the prepositional phrase has been the common challenge. Students have been taught strategies, but they must apply them :)

      Figurative language test will be Tuesday. Students should be reviewing all in-class, homework, and quizzes to prepare. Last Friday we shared their free picks from the proverb list. Students were asked to write down any new ones. You may check your child's journal to review with them.

Leukemia Fundraiser
Please support this wonderful cause for just $1 each day
Mon.- PJ 
Tues.- Shades/sunglasses
Weds.- Hat
Thurs.-Crazy Hair
Friday- Gum $2

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Opinion Essay

Students are enjoying fractions! We will have a quiz on the basic understanding of fractions as equal parts of a whole and modeling a fraction. Students have also been exposed to equivalent fractions. This week we'll continue with comparing fractions. There maybe a quiz on Friday, so please check your child's agenda. I am trying to chunk the elements of the overall standard for fractions as it is a large unit.

In writing, students have completed their paragraph practice for developing a hook, introduction topic sentence , reasons with a supporting example/detail, and conclusion opinion statement. I have begun to meet individually with students to provide feedback for "glow" and "grow" areas. Our 5 paragraph essay is underway!Students are working on developing their ideas with differentiated graphic organizers. This week we will chunk tasks as we formulate the paragraphs. Beginning Monday Feb. 11th, students will finalize and type their essay.

We continue to learn about figurative language. There will be a quiz on Tuesday covering similes and metaphors. Students have been working in-class on idioms,adages,and proverbs. We will be going more in depth with them this week. Students should be reviewing our daily in-class activities to prepare for quizzes and tests.It's possible there will be a quiz on Friday just on idioms,adages,and proverbs. This too will be multiple choice.

Spelling this week will be on ar,er,and or. A new menu has been developed and dictation will be included on Friday test.During independent reading, students will identify and build vocabulary.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


We are ready to begin fractions. This will take us through  the rest of the 9 weeks!! It will be divided into specific standards. Wednesday , vocabulary anchor charts will be in your student's journal. We will draw and label fractions as circles,squares, and sets. Students will use tape diagrams to model and write fractions.By the end of next week, students will be understanding equivalent fractions.

Opinion writing development continues. Students have collaborated and provided feedback an tasks for opinion statements and conclusions. This is a great way to learn from their peers. The class will continue to read and identify opinion elements in passages. Next Monday, students will choose their essay topic from a list provided. We will continue to develop a five paragraph essay by building on what has been previously taught and adding opinion genre specific vocabulary.

In ELA, we are reviewing verb tenses, prepositional phrases, sentence structure, and punctuation.
Our reading will focus on figurative language, such as idioms and cliches. Reteaching, similes and metaphors.

Father Daughter Dance is Friday!!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Long Division

Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend :)

In math, we will continue area model and partial quotients. There will be an assessment on Wednesday. Your child should know their multiplication facts with fluency.

In reading, the class continues to use context clues and their background knowledge to infer the text. There will be a quiz on Tuesday. The summative test will date depends on the quiz grades.

There will be spelling homework this week!

Students are developing an opinion paragraph based on an animal feature. They read a book in small groups and chose which they wished to write about. They were able to research more on the computer if needed. We are currently halfway done with the organizer.

Please remember to send your child to school dressed accordingly for recess as the temperature changes. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Welcome 2019 !

            I hope everyone had a fabulous break :)
Here are this week's tentative plans-
    In math, we will continue with long division. Towards the end of the week, students will learn to interpret remainders.Please have your child learn multiplication facts with fluency!
    In reading, we will be focused on inference. Close reading for context clues will be applied.
    In writing, we will be focused on opinion. Students will learn to develop a clear opinion statement and support this with reasons and examples. New anchor charts will be in their writing journals. We will complete a practice paragraph for a craft grade and individual goals for their upcoming essay.

Dates to remember:

   Reading Challenge due Weds., Jan. 9th
   Spelling Bee Friday, Jan. 11th @ 8:45
   Science Fair Projects due Friday, Jan. 11th
   January 17th- STEM night- 6:00-7:30
   January 21st- No School- MLK Holiday
   January 24th and 25th- Talent Show tryouts after school.